Do as the guy said on your last thread, on the forum he linked theres a walkthrough for it.
Here's a copy paste of the pyramid part (will ahve to read it as I'm stuck, and also got one crash with the pyramid cores fight u_u), I hope the author doesn't mind :
Day 12 Luciana’s quest in pyramid
You are a the broken raft go to the east part of the cave first split down and east again, you find a lorry with nails in it, go east again you find a save point an a meteor bracelet, go back west in the middle up you find a chest with 967 pp, go back to the entrance and go into the area next to the cave, this is a secret place inside you find a kid with red hair (Damian). Go back to Sandronista and talk to the old man again he gives you some ropes, save with the skeleton for 5pp.
If you want to restock, this is your time. Go back to the broken raft again and you will start your journey to the pyramid.
Follow the river west, first down and find obsidian armour, up agina, to west, down, you see a cave, go into it, to your lower left side you find astrobalt and the upper left some recepts (5x) to the upper right is a dead troll. Go out of the cave. Go to the otherside of the river down there is a lever that will open the gate you have to go through on your way up. Now follow your way back up and go north to the fence, Baretta sees a way through the gate (it is on the lower site of the river) You have to fight Zarejag. Go to the next screen and go on, down now and you see a cave, there is nothing to be find around here, so go inside the cave. You meet an old man, Cronelius, he warns you for the huge beast inside of the pyramid. Yo can go up right and left. Now you are inside of the pyramid.
- Go up and up to find a azura go on and right, go to the next screen, walk on to the save point. Now exploir this part, go down and you will find stairs 1 go to the right and find apricots, go to the right and find stairs 2 just near it is a ocean love and 2000pp, go up and find a Arabian jewel x2, go left and find stairs 3 with a trap go down again and to the left you find 4 chest all with 2000pp (8000pp total) and you will need this money! Go back to the save point and save.
- Go to stairs 1, fight, go on and you will see a stair, there is nothing to find up, so go down and find 2000pp, down again you see a door, go up and see a pellistar with a chest, only Nash can get it: ombra square and ancient pyramid (good spell for Luci). You see two stairs, they go to the same route. Gog down and left, to a door up, split to the left you find a kriegerhorn 3X and in the middle a save point, right is nothing. Go back, go to the left walk all the way past the doors and the stair (nothing to find) left you find a heart of benevolence, go back to the doors, this is a room with a lot of crossing that lead to the same way, you find a chest with 3 apricots and 3 ananas, go left and find an ancient sand, go to the door up, east and won, this brings you back again, open door, go west and down, open the door for a moskaa apple and 2000pp. Go down, you see stairs down to the east is a stairs going up, here you find a room with a net roof, you find a Al Azayers scroll 2x nothing more. Go back and go to the stairs that lead to the down part. Go down, here are ancient sand, Zappo diamond 2x o’donellskull 5x, go east to dind an Arabian jewel, balck and golden book, and an empty chest, up is a locked room, go back and follow your wayup to find a stairs again, go east and down, you find ancient sand and paprika balm, back to the stairs dwon to find a corridor, round it to the stairs, here you find ananas 3x go back to stair, and go down this is stair 2 of the beginning room.
Go up again back to the stair with the split, go up, here are a lot of fire ants and a globe to the west is nothing, go down, again nothing. You have to go back to the beginning room to try stairs 3 with the trap A short cute, down 2x and you end up with stairs 2 , now find you way to stairs 3 with the trap (just to the left).
Stairs 3 with the trap
- trap is stones, heal up and if you want go back to the save point. Go up 2x and find a split go to the west first, go on to find a stairs down, go east find a door and a trapped chest with 2000pp, heal go next door here is nothing, go east and find an inferno scroll. Go back to beginning of stairs 3 and go to east, go on to split, upper part is nothing to find. Go down, to the west and down is Yveens nectar 2x, nothing more, go back and go to the east, split there is a Yveens kiss, door down has nothing, go east and find a hyper nereid with a save point, go down where you can see a room with chest that is trapped, this has a lot of enemies but here is the Charamko Pendant I . Go back and save, go down the second corridor, down, through door to find another save point (oy trouble is coming!) go back up and go trough the locked door, it will cost you 10.000 pp.
- Here is the monster Grom, fight and heal afterwards, go back and save, go on to the left, you find ancient sand and 2000pp, to the right through a door 2x. near a vase you find 5x orange and stairs. Go down you find a large room, go down to the left and find a lever, west up there is a dead end, second from the bottom left is nothing, go to the right and find a mayaca’s winter, go up and find a locked door, go to the left and up, this is a room with lots of enemies, a lever, a trapped chest with ocean love and a save point.
- Go the back to the locked door, it is open now. Go up to the stairs. Fight, walk down and see a corridor with 5 traps!!!!! This is a tricky part of the game. You will get hit, but you have to go to the next screen (stairs down) to get ride of the curse this gives you, otherwise the game will freeze to a certain pont. Go up to the save point, do not bother to open the trapped chest, is will stay locked (teaser), in the lower right corner you will see a secret passage that leads to the pyramid cores (great enemies, you need to be really tough). So do not enter yet, first go around this room, find the sun chaser, go down the stairs and up again, if you want to beat the cores. Go into the passage and fight. Luci 3x grand protection, and 1 lord of the dance. Then saito mage or bed of iceberg. Nash can stick to mass crush and healing or psycho bomb. Baretta can use Bed of icebergs. Sandy can use her stars spell and healing a lot. If you win you get a lot of EXP and 5x N-bomb, go back to save point and go down to the cellar.
The cellar.
- go down, 1rd split to the right, there is nothing, 2nd split right, go up, east, split, go up and find a locked door (teaser) go down and east, split down there is nothing, go back, down find an amphor with a pine apple and a chest 3 chests with: Charamka Pendant II and III go back your way to the beginning of the cellar and go to the west, go down, split east there is nothing, go down split east nothing, go down in the left corner is a secret passage to a Gandhis staff, follow the split to the east, up there is nothing, go east to a split with a secret passage to a yeveen book, save with Vision! Go back and east, up is nothing, go to crossing, up is secret place with milk of the brave, go back down is nothing, go east come to another split!!!!! Warning for a trap, save with vision, before going further, go down if you get hit by the fire ball start over, otherwise the game will freeze after you beat the assassin!!! So beware, save and get up avoid the trap and go up to the room with lots of dead people, talk to the assassin, fight him and after defeating him day 12 will end.
Day 13.
Go up, split to the east is nothing, go back and follow your path, go to the door, it will cost 100.000pp to enter!!! Go east and see 4 empty chest, go west, down to door, to west to find a stairs, go up, you see a trapped chest, save, and open it, monsters inside and the Charamko Pendant 4, finally you get a end scene and Luci’s quest will end!
the locked room can be opened if the empty chest is closed,if it is already opened click on it again to close it
inside the room you will find 4 chests containing the amazing TIOG(helmet), 27kpp, yveen's nectar, and yveens tear